Monday, August 13, 2012


                   We are fortunate enough to be able to own horses. We live two miles out of town and have 8 acres. At the moment we have 3 horses and my friend boards her horse here. Above is one of our girls, Twilight. She was 3 in this picture.
                    Last week when we went out to spend some time with them we noticed something on Twilights foot.

                                       Turns out she must have gotten in a tussle with a porcupine.
Okay so don't think I'm clueless or anything but I had no idea we had porcupines in North Dakota! So this was a big discovery for me! Anyway I grew up in Minnesota with my mom and spent summers in Fargo Nd with my dad. I knew there were porcupines in Minnesota although I have never seen one or come across anything to do with one but there are heavily wooded areas there and I thought that was where porcupines were known to live. Well there aren't many trees here and where there are trees the definitely aren't thickly wooded. So I was surprised to find out they lived here.

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