Monday, August 13, 2012

Pin Tzu (Miniature Pinscher Shih Tzu Cross)

This is Annie, she is a Shih Tzu. We let her hair grow in the winter and shave her in the summer. She isn't very pretty when I shave her but it makes her feel great!
This is Dookie Doo, he is a miniature Pinscher. He is a spoiled little cuddle bug. His ears and tail were never cropped.
                             Above is a picture of them together. Here are some pictures of their puppies.

This is Seven he is one of the puppies we kept. (I wanted to keep them all lol)

This little guy didnt make it. He lived almost 2 months. The last 2 and a half weeks of his life he had to be force fed a bottle and wet puppy food. At 3 weeks old, which would be 1 week after this photo was taken, Annie would have nothing to do with him anymore. I'm sure she knew something was wrong with him. We took him to the vet and the had him on a IV for 2 days. (They couldnt find any reason for him to be sick)When he came home he was more active but still just skin and bones. He never grew or gained weight after that. He would not eat and I had to force him to live. He eventually passed away...Failure to thrive.

These are two pictures of the shy guy.
He is the only one out
of the four that we sold.

This is the only girl. We also decided to keep her. We named her Liberty. She is absolutely adorable!

So I have a lot more recent pictures of Libby and Seven since they are staying with us its going to be fun watching them grow. Its going to be interesting to see what a pin tzu looks like when it grows up. Its also neat to see these two dogs from the same litter who look and act so different grow and change.


Brother and sister together. I realized I need to get more pictures of Seven to add on here. I will and will add them later.


  1. Hi there - do you have any pics of the puppies once they were fully grown? Thanks

  2. Do you have any pictures of the puppies once they were fully grown? Thanks
