Wednesday, August 1, 2012

What is going on with my fish

My beautiful Betta was pearly white when I bought him. Over the next couple weeks he developed a black spot on his side and a small streak on his tail. Above is a picture of him then. He is a beauty! With in a week he gained more color. It looks blackish in person until you turn on his light it then turns to a dirty turquoise color.

The color is darker in person than what shows up on my camera. From what I understand this may mean he has a marbling gene? He is healthy and very happy. He is very sociable and quite a character. I really loved the way he looked before but I guess it will be neat to see what he turns into. I plan to keep posting on his progress. Below is two more before and after pictures. 

8/14/12 So its been two weeks and he has gotten darker. It a little hard to tell exactly what he looks like because the camera doesn't quite pick it up right.

This color is what he looks like.

This shows the coverage on his right side. The color is distorted from the flash on my camera.

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